Monday, March 22, 2004

I came accross this interesting image. It's from NASA and they are calling it the Eye of God.

The Eye of God

Saturday, March 06, 2004

Hello there! I know...I know. It's been forever since I wrote last. What can I say, I've been getting a lot of maintenance jobs on websites and I haven't had time for my own. but I'm going to be trying to keep up. :)

Let's see, there has been a lot going on but I'm not going to even try to put it all down here right now. My latest project has been trying to get our new computer up and running. I've been looking at getting a new computer for about six years now and I finally got one. i was having problems running software I needed for web design and it was just soooo slow. I decided to buy cheap and then upgrade it myself and it payed off. I got about a $1200 to $1500 computer for $500! It's nice. Athlon 2700 processor, 512 mb of RAM, 80gb Hard Drive, nvidia capture card and DVD burner. Very nice :) I'm currently putting together a movie of our Christmas this year. So I'm sure you will be seeing more of that type of thing soon.

Well, I've got more to say but I need to go clean up play dough and get the girls a snack before bed.
