Monday, December 26, 2005

It's Not All About Us

Kari wrote:
Can you believe's 6:45 a.m., Kurt and I are wide
awake...where are the girls?? In bed still, sound asleep.....what is up
with that????????????

It was 7:30 when I finally went up and opened their room and we started to make noise to wake them. It was still a bit till we got them up. Now tonight we went to a friends house and we didn't get home and in bed till midnight. So I'm sure they'll be up bright and early, while Kari and I want to sleep tommarrow.

It was a good Christmas. We had a lot of fun and it was nice with the girls this year. They are more into everything. Although, the big gift the we got for them was a bit anticlamatic. We got them hamsters. We're expecting screams of joy and celebration; we got, "Oh! Hamsters...". It was a bit of a let down for me. But I'll get over it.

There is a lesson in that I think. We as parents often have plans and ideas for our children. But it is they that choose the path they take. Our children are not going to always make the choices that we agree with all the time. They'll not get excited about the things we think they'll get excited about. It is easy for parents to feel bad when this happens. We feel like a failure as a parent or we become dissappointed in our child because they didn't meet our expectations. Do you see the problem? It's not them, it's us. When we have come to the point where we feel like failures or are dissappointed in them, we have to evaluate ourselves. We make it about us to often don't we? It's selfish and it hurts our kids. When we feel like a failure, we end up neglecting our kids. When we are dissapointed we bring condemantion into their lives.

So what are we to do? Just enjoy them for who they are. It is not our job as parents to make them into who we want them to be, but to protect, guide, discipline and interceed for, in order that they might become who God created them to be. And in Jeremiah 29 God says that He has some pretty good stuff ahead for us, and our children. Trust Him and love them.


Saturday, December 24, 2005

White Christmas?

The last three Christmas' have been brown and grey. This year we've had a lot of snow fall and it's been beautiful. I've been really excited about a white Christmas, but the last couple of days have warmed up and it's melting. I'm hoping it can hold on one more day.


Friday, December 23, 2005

Remembering Our Soldiers

As we head into the final hours of the Christmas season, let us remember our troops overseas. Send a prayer their way and listen to this poem that ran on our local radio station.

It's really powerful. Listen to it before reading it. click the link below.Read more at ktisblog.skylightradio....

O come, all ye (well funded) faithful

WOW! I thought that I've seen a lot in my time in the church but this takes the cake. This church in St. Paul is auctioning off their best pews for their Christmas Eve Service as a fundraiser. Are you kidding me? What was some body thinking?!?

"Hey! I know! Let's charge people admission during the most likely time seekers may come around to find out more about the 'free' gift of God."

Great idea guys! You sure hit a home run there! (extreme sarcasim here)

Anyways.... may God bless you this Christmas Season. And may he forgive the ignorance of some of the flock. And please, Father, send anyone who is truely searching for you to a body of believers that will show them what the Joy of Christmas is really about.


Thursday, December 15, 2005

Good News From India

One of my former professors and co-laborer in Christ has just returned form yet another trip to India. God has really been using Him the last few years and once again he has returned with good news. Here's the email report he sent me.

Dear Friend,
We are rejoicing with the following great report! We arrived back home on schedule. Our ride to the airport in India will never be forgotten. About half of it was on a "dancing" road. That means that there are so many potholes and ruts that the vehicle "dances" as it goes down the road!! The One True God answered our prayers. The rains stayed away our remaining time in India! God came down on the meetings in Chagalamarri. This town has only 3500 residents. The last and fifth night, we had 23,000 people on the grounds. 6600 people confessed Jesus as Lord, including 750 Muslims. Many of these Muslims received the Father's love in the prayer time at the end of each service. Demons manifested openly during the worship and during the mass prayer for healing. Dozens of people were delivered of demonization strong enough to roll them on the ground. Some had to be carried out by four men. Every one was delivered by the stronger One, Jesus. Many testified of their deliverance. So many people testified of being pronounced incurable by doctors. When they obeyed the Word of the Lord coming from the platform, and trusted God, hundreds were instantaneously healed. Hallelujah! Total number of decisions to follow Jesus was 9100 in ten nights.
We know that many of you were praying for us and the Indian people. Thank you very much!!
Blessings on you!
David & Sherry Nichols
Heart of the Father Ministries
Minneapolis, MN

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

"You will be my witnesses..."

My friend Chip had a great post today. He says that often evangelism becomes nothing more than "selling" the gospel to unbelievers. I have to agree with him and I've sat in those same classes, and I have seen the same results.

Witnessing has nothing to do with selling and everything with living. Jesus didn't just talk to people. He walked with them, helped them, healed them, loved them, and most importantly He lived everything He taught before He ever spoke.

We too need to live out our faith first. Then we need to walk as He did among them; helping, healing, loving, and then, and only then, can we truely be witnesses of the greatest story ever told.

And the "greatest story" is still being told, day-by-day in each believers life. What story are you sharing?
