Tuesday, December 13, 2005

"You will be my witnesses..."

My friend Chip had a great post today. He says that often evangelism becomes nothing more than "selling" the gospel to unbelievers. I have to agree with him and I've sat in those same classes, and I have seen the same results.

Witnessing has nothing to do with selling and everything with living. Jesus didn't just talk to people. He walked with them, helped them, healed them, loved them, and most importantly He lived everything He taught before He ever spoke.

We too need to live out our faith first. Then we need to walk as He did among them; helping, healing, loving, and then, and only then, can we truely be witnesses of the greatest story ever told.

And the "greatest story" is still being told, day-by-day in each believers life. What story are you sharing?
