Friday, December 23, 2005

O come, all ye (well funded) faithful

WOW! I thought that I've seen a lot in my time in the church but this takes the cake. This church in St. Paul is auctioning off their best pews for their Christmas Eve Service as a fundraiser. Are you kidding me? What was some body thinking?!?

"Hey! I know! Let's charge people admission during the most likely time seekers may come around to find out more about the 'free' gift of God."

Great idea guys! You sure hit a home run there! (extreme sarcasim here)

Anyways.... may God bless you this Christmas Season. And may he forgive the ignorance of some of the flock. And please, Father, send anyone who is truely searching for you to a body of believers that will show them what the Joy of Christmas is really about.