Wednesday, July 27, 2005

A Dream Realized

Since I was a teen my heart was to see the Church resemble what we see happening in the book of Acts. To see the community of believers loving, caring and building up each other. Having been in the church for so long now, I have to be honest, I've begun doubting I'll see it in my time. However, this past few weeks I have realized that I'm seeing it happen in our community right now. We've had multiple churches working together in unity, we've seen people's needs being met and lifted up in prayer; we've seen healings and answers to prayer and I've experienced this first hand. Acts 2:44-45 says,
"All the believers were together and had everything in common. Selling their possessions and goods. They gave to anyone as he had need."
The week before the fourth of July our pastor did a fundraiser selling fireworks, and made a good bit of money. I was thinking that it was going to be great to have some extra money to upgrade some outdated electronics at the church, but Pastor Jay and the deacons had another idea. Before they even did the fundraiser they decided to use the funds to fix our van that had been dead since April. What a blessing to us, but more than that it is another sign that the Kingdom is coming ever closer and the community of believers are beginning to truly love, care and edify each other unselfishly.

Monday, July 25, 2005


The girls are in the air! I'm leaving to get them in and 20 minutes. I can't wait to see them! Can you tell?


Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Miracle Grow

What is that make it seem like your kids grow a year, everyday their away from you? Kari sent some pictures of the girls at a carnival they went to and they look so BIG. I was doing OK, but now that I saw the pictures, I really miss them. I'm glad that they are having so much fun, but I'm even gladder that they're going to be home in a few more days.


How long have they been gone? My girls look so old in these pics Kari sent. OK, they need to stop that!

click on the picture to enlarge

Kim on a kiddy rollercoater.

click on the picture to enlarge

Becca on the bumber cars.

click on the picture to enlarge

Friday, July 15, 2005


It's been a long day. It started with getting up at 3am. Kari and the girls went to see Kari's family today and we had to be at the airport by 5am. And if waking us up waaay before God ever intended a mortal to awake wasn't enough, they delayed the flight Kari was on. Then they cancelled the fight, then rescheduled, then moved her and the girls to an entirely different airline. Five hours later they left for Michigan. I was worried about the girls flying, but they did great. They slept right through take off and loved the rest of the flight. When I heard from Kari earlier I could hear the girls playing; they couldn't even stop to say hi. I'm glad their having fun.

While Kari was having fun at the airport, I was at work, worrying about them and all the trouble they were having and I hated that I couldn't do anything about it. Well, that's not true. I could pray and I did, and it must have worked. They got a flight, they had seats together, it turned out to be a direct flight and they ended up arriving about the time they were originally supposed to get there. God does bring even bad circumstances around for good to those that love Him.

Anyways, after work I relaxed a bit knowing that they had made it safe, and sat and watched Sci Fi Friday night; in the dark, sound up loud and no interruptions (well Kari did call in the middle of one show. I forgive you dear). Now I'm writing this and going to go to bed. You know, I really thought that I was going to like being alone for awhile. I like my space. But there is something about the fact that I can't just join back with them by going into the next room that I really don't like. The silence is so loud. I get irritated sometimes by the girls constant chattering and squeaking, but with it not here, and I think the knowing that it won't be here for a while, is really....well...hold on I'm think of the right word....lonely. Now (Kari stop crying.) I'm still going to enjoy my time alone, I just realized how much I need my family. And I like that.

Father, watch over my child and Kari. Give them a great time away. Help the girls to sleep and Kari to get rest. Continue to bring healing and strengthening to Kari's body and may you alone receive the glory.

Good night girls, I love you...

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Got Growth?

Heb 5:12 "You have been Christians a long time now, and you ought to be teaching others. Instead, you need someone to teach you again the basic things a beginner must learn about the Scriptures. You are like babies who drink only milk and cannot eat solid food."

As a member of church leadership, I am ever increasingly becoming more frustrated with the Church, in America, these days. We have so much freedom, so many resources at our disposal and yet we are seeing very little growth when compared to areas that have less freedom and less resources. Could the lack of growth be due to a lack of growth? We of course want to have quantity growth in the church, but when compared to other areas of the world our numbers aren't very impressive. Could this lack of quantity growth be due to a lack of quality growth in the Church. In the verse above, it is speaking to believers that have been around awhile, and yet they weren't growing in the way they should. Why? Because they were malnourished. They were like babies who would only drink milk. This is the majority of the American Church today. Congregation members are refusing to give up the bottle. Our churches have become nurseries and our programs, pacifiers.

If we want to see quantity growth, we have to have quality growth first. We need to get rid of the bottles and start consuming solid food. Our church goers should be able to feed themselves and and others, yet they can't. And when something that requires some chewing is preached on Sunday they revolt and spit it out and throw a fit, demanding the bottle back. It's going to take strong leadership. Leadership that, like a parent taking the bottle from their child, will stand up and preach the full gospel and teach the people of God the things of God, and not back down when someone gets upset that they have to chew. Leadership can't keep letting them go back to the milk. If we withhold the bottle long enough, they'll start to chew. And once they get the nourishment they need they'll grow. And when they grow, they'll mature. Once we see the quality grow, it will cause the quantity grow. Because in maturity the believer would be fulfilling their purpose in the body of Christ and outreach and discipleship would be a by product.

I say this not as though, I myself have come to full maturity or that I am perfectly the church to maturity, but I am striving to be.

"We proclaim Him, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone mature in Christ. To this end I labor, struggling with all His energy, which so powerfully works in me." Colossians 1:28-29

Sunday, July 03, 2005


Entrance & Parking to County Fair.........$5

Two Carnival Rides..........$6.75

Snacks for Four............Second Mortgage

Spending Time Just Being Dad.............PRICELESS