Well, many of you may have already installed Microsofts new gift to the world SP2 for Windows XP. I did and it was the worst thing that ever happened to me (that is technically). I lost everything. After installing the computer wouldn't reboot. After flipping out, it took two weeks to get my system up and running. I was able to retreive some files off the hard drive using Linux before reinstalling windows. It has been frustrating to say the least. But I learned a valuable lesson. Backup! Backup! Backup! If you don't regularly backup your important files you are asking for trouble. We almost lost over a year's worth of digital pictures. Luckly I was able to get them with linux one file at a time. That was fun!!! Hundreds of pictures. Needless to say they're on CD now. When I have a bit more time I'm going to add an article how to back up your data. Make it a regular part of your PC maintance regement and you'll be glad you did.