Monday, March 28, 2005

OK, Here We Go...

It's been awhile since I've had a chance to write. I've actually had a lot of stuff to write about but the time is always escaping me or Kari beats me to it. So sit back and sip some coffee, I'm going to try to catch up and fill you in. This could be either very interesting or very boring, only the next few lines will tell.

The Girls
Everyday is a new adventure and can somehow be both a joy and a frustration. Becca is growing up so fast. Everyday seems like she's a little older. She has such a personality! The way she humors me when I act goofy saying, "Oh, daddy", as she rolls her eyes. Or how she is beginning to understand stuff more and beginning to reason. It's really becoming fun with her. I love that I can carry on a productive two-way conversation with her. The other night I was trying (again) to teach her to blow her nose (no she still can't do it) and when I pinched one side of my nose and talked My voice was funny with that nasally sound. She thought it was so funny, she literally in tiers with laughter. She went on and ion about how funny I was and every time she'd pull her face out of her hands and look up at me she'd start laughing all over again. It was so funny and it's a memory I'll never forget. Kim's growing up too. She's a little girl now, but she is definitely still "daddy's little girl". She loves doing stuff with me. She is such a determined person. If she wants to do something she gets really focused and will work at it until she gets it and she is so proud when she finally does what ever it is she's trying to do. And as much fun as they are, with the growing up they're also testing the boundaries of the rules and self-expression. Becca can be so bossy sometimes and Kim is really stubborn. But the good definitely outweighs the bad.

Kari and Me
Well everyone knows that Kari and I have really wanted another baby over the last year or so. We asked God to heal Kari and allow us to have another child and we did get pregnant, but Kari miscarried. In the process of that it was discovered that there is something going on inside Kari, which the Doctors are calling pre-cancerous symptoms. She is having a biopsy on Thursday and if the doctors act like they think they will have to, Kari will be scheduled for a full hysterectomy. Please keep Kari in your prayers. I believe Jesus can still heal and He has already. Many of you already know, but we haven't blogged about it. As you all know Kari was deaf in the right ear do to an infection three years ago, and hasn't been able to hear anything out of it. Well, we've been praying for her and the other night we were in the living room and Kari calls me over and says to talk into her ear. She heard me! So the real test was the phone. We proceeded to call several people on the phone and she was able to hear them and carry on a conversation. God is so good. It's not 100% yet so keep praying for her, I believe He will heal her completely and she'll hear perfectly.

I'm doing pretty good. I'm finally over the three month "whatever it was I had". But currently am having trouble with my back. I was at work yesterday and it just started hurting between my shoulder blades. I was just walking and BAM! it hit me. So I'm guessing I'll be visiting a chiropractor soon. The weight thing has not been the best I did really well at first, losing 30 lbs. But then Kari's was sick and then her dad came out to visit and then other stuff was going on that totally messed up our routine. So I fell off the wagon a bit, but I'm not calling it quits yet. I'm regrouping to hit it hard again. I'll keep you informed.

All Things Tech
Now for the good stuff! I am currently looking into and learning about Linux. Linux is an open source operation system for computers and my interest is simple: It looks a lot like Windows, is more stable than Windows and the best part... it's FREE! Well, almost I should say. It is really cool and I'm still in the beginning stages of learning. My hope is to gain a solid understanding of the system and find software that would help the church. There is a hug boom in interest in Linux and other open source software in the Church today. Mainly because of the cost issue.

I've also picked up a new PDA to replace the one I broke. I've been saving a while and doing a lot of shopping around. I finally decided on a Palm Tungsten E. I really like it's nice.

I need to go I'll try to get back more often.


Friday, March 11, 2005

I just got a new PALM PDA since I broke my other one. It took more than year to save enough to get a new one. It's cool. In fact, I'm writing this blog on it right now. Cool eh?


Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Thought I'd Pass This Along

Loving God Through His Word
by John Fischer

On Tuesday, March 1, 2005, 3,000 Orthodox and Hasidic Jews completed a 7½-year cycle of reading the ancient texts of the Talmud (which includes what Christians are familiar with as the Old Testament), and celebrated the feat with a service in the Walt Disney Concert Hall in Los Angeles. The practice is called Daf Yomi and it involves a rigorous program of reading, studying and discussing the ancient Jewish manuscript daily, one page a day for exactly 2,711 consecutive days. As well as ending one cycle, the celebration also starts another. According to the Los Angeles Times, 120,000 participated in similar events across North America, all tied together by live satellite television feeds.

I think that sometimes, in our emphasis on the grace of God and our freedom from the law, we have a tendency to miss what is good about the laws of God. We lose our sense of reverence for the word and love for the entire Bible, both Old and New Testaments.

True: we will never achieve the desired effects by trying to follow the law, but at the same time, if we love God, we will also love His laws. David loved the laws of God and meditated on them constantly. Psalm 119, the longest chapter in the Bible, is all about loving God’s laws. Christ came not to abolish the law, but to fulfill it. In other words, Christ embodied living according to the laws of God, so that if you truly follow Him, you will be fulfilling the law also. But nothing about the essence of the law has changed, only our relationship to it.

Why do we love the law of God? Because it is God’s communication to us—God’s word spoken, written down and passed down to us over centuries. Something to treasure here until we know God fully in eternity.

Hearing about these people celebrating their completion of the Daf Yomi reminds me of instances in the Old Testament when the children of Israel would assemble just to hear the word of God read to them, and they would stand in reverence for days.

You no doubt have access to a Bible within your reach right now. Hold it, if you can, and think of those who have lived and died to get it into your hands. Think of the treasure that it is—from God to you.

There are plans available to read your Bible through in a year by selected daily readings. My favorite access to this is the One Year Bible available in a number of translations. You can turn to the calendar day and find the selected readings for that day arranged for you. Stick with one of these plans, and you will have read the Bible through in a year.

You won’t be necessarily more spiritual for it. You won’t be necessarily more righteous. But I guarantee you will be more in love with God. And isn’t that what it’s all about?