Tuesday, May 20, 2003

I'm done with my training and I start regular management hours this week. In fact I have to go in in about a half hour. I like the job so far. But enough about work :)

The other day when i got home from work Kari told me a story that really moved me. Her and the girls were in the garage and as Kari was reading Becca was at their play table and she started to pray. She prayed for along time; for our family and for the trip that Kari and the girls are going to be making to Michigan among other things. When she told me about it I felt so proud. The bible says that is we raise our children up in the knowledge of God that they will not depart from it. I believe this is true. We as parents need to both model and teach our children, a develope and foster spiritual habits in their lives so that when they're on their own they'll not depart. The earlier we start, the better. This story enchourages me that even when the girls are busy playing with shadows, trying to read a book or are busy picking their nose while I try praying with them before bed, they are listening and learning. It's been almost three years since we started the habit of praying before bed and we are finally beginning to see fruit. And the girls won't go to sleep without spending time with God now.

I wish I had that problem. Don't you?