Sunday, July 06, 2003

Don't you just love moms? I love mine. She's always there to give me a quick slap on the back of the head when I need it. Even when she's 400 miles away! I recieved an e-mail from her this morning.

It read:

Just want to point out that you need to refer to your previous entry
regarding the lost. While the people at the parade may have been "idiots"
and very rude people, "the truth is, they are lost". It is certainly much
harder to put inspired words into practice. Just my thoughts.
Love, MOM

Ouch! That's OK. I needed it. In my frustration I often (and I mean often) vent from my flesh and speak before I think what it is I'm saying. OK! the truth is out; I'm not perfect. Ssshhhhh...don't tell anyone. :) Well, I am sorry if I offended anyone and I have made changes to my previous entry.

Thanks Mom :)