Tuesday, May 27, 2003

We had a really good day today. We took the girls to the beach and we were the only ones there. The entire beach was ours. The girls loved playing in the sand and they took to the water much more than I thought they would. Then we grilled out for dinner and to finish off the day we went over to the church and had a fire and made smores.

I'm feeling better about my job. I really like the job. I just get frustrated when things aren't in my control and I see they need changed. Let's hope that they get my paycheck right this week.

I took a fun test tonight that test how geeky you really are. Believe it or not I only scored a 25.24655%. Which only makes me a Total Geek. :) Test to see how you rate.


Saturday, May 24, 2003

It's almost 1:30 am. I closed the store tonight. I just can't seem to just come home and go to bed. I have to read or do something (like blog) for awhile before I can sleep. And to make matters worse I have to go back in tomarrow morning. Things are going OK, but today was not the greatest. Actually I wanted to quit and walk out. I'm getting a bit frustrated with the administration team above me. They just don't seem to care about want happens and there is no communication at all. Know one knows what anyone is doing. The left is blind from the actions of the right and it's driving me crazy. What frustrates me the most is that I'm in no position to change it. I don't know what to do. Do I just let it go and "do my job" and go home? Or can I be a catalist for change some how? And if so, how? I don't know. Oh and the fact that they keep getting my pay checks wrong isn't helping matters any.

Well, thanks for letting me vent. I feel better. Good night :)

Tuesday, May 20, 2003

I'm done with my training and I start regular management hours this week. In fact I have to go in in about a half hour. I like the job so far. But enough about work :)

The other day when i got home from work Kari told me a story that really moved me. Her and the girls were in the garage and as Kari was reading Becca was at their play table and she started to pray. She prayed for along time; for our family and for the trip that Kari and the girls are going to be making to Michigan among other things. When she told me about it I felt so proud. The bible says that is we raise our children up in the knowledge of God that they will not depart from it. I believe this is true. We as parents need to both model and teach our children, a develope and foster spiritual habits in their lives so that when they're on their own they'll not depart. The earlier we start, the better. This story enchourages me that even when the girls are busy playing with shadows, trying to read a book or are busy picking their nose while I try praying with them before bed, they are listening and learning. It's been almost three years since we started the habit of praying before bed and we are finally beginning to see fruit. And the girls won't go to sleep without spending time with God now.

I wish I had that problem. Don't you?

Friday, May 16, 2003

I just got home from work. And Kari left this picture on the screen for me to see. She took it tonight while I was at work. I just can't get over how fast they grow up and how beautiful Becca and Kimmi are becoming. God has truely blessed me beyond my own imagination.

Well I'm tired so I'm going to bed.


Thursday, May 15, 2003

It's been a busy week. My new job is going well. I'll be finishing my training this week and starting my normal schedule next week. Kari is done at the bank and is at home. The girls are thrilled. There is still some adjusting having to happen though. Kari is getting used to being home and I'm getting used to having less time at home. Next week will be better once I start normal hours and we can get back into a routine. Well, I'm off. We're headed out for a picnic.


Thursday, May 08, 2003

God's blessings never cease to amaze me. Today I went to pick up our WIC coupons and as I was getting ready to leave I found out that they were giving food away to everyone that came today due to a grant they received. We got three full bags. God is good.

And if that wasn't enough I found out that my brother Nathan is home and doing great. He has gone throught he healing process in half the time the doctors said he would. Praise God.


In the book, Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire, Jim Cymbala writes:

If our churches don't pray, and if people don't have an appetite for God, what does it matter how many are attending the services? How would that impress God? Can you imagine the angels saying,
"Oh, your pews! We can't believe how beautiful they are! Up here in heaven, we've been talking about them for years. Your sanctuary lighting--it's so clever. The way you have the steps coming up to the pulpit--it's wonderful ..." I don't think so.

If we don't want to experience God's closeness here on earth, why would we want to go to heaven anyway? He is the center of everything there. If we don't enjoy being in his presence here
and now, then heaven would not be heaven for us. Why would he send anyone there who doesn't long for him passionately here on earth?

I read this this morning and I thought I'd pass it along. A little something to ponder for the day. How hungry are you for God?

Wednesday, May 07, 2003

Have you ever been stuck on a particular food? Recently my wife made pizza bagels. I can't tell you how many times I've had these in the last week. I've had them for dinner, lunch and for snacks. They taste great! I highly recommend them :) The wierd thing is that after this week I probably won't eat them again for years. Next week will be some other wierd item of interest.

I started training for my new job this week. I'm so tired. I've been with the girls all day and then I'm at the store all night. I just want to sleep. I like the job so far. I'll just be glad once I'm on regular hours and Kari is home. then I think it'll be a great situation.

Monday, May 05, 2003

This weekend I decided to checkout what P2P (peer to peer) was all about. So I signed up with Kazaa and played around with it. I must say, in a minute of playing around I was searching, finding and downloading music. But I can't help to feel bad about it. There is so much debate about file swapping out there and now with record companies trying to go after individual swapers, that's a bit scary. I don't know if I like it. I like the idea of getting the music, but I think I'd rather pay for it. Apple's new music service is very interesting. I think I'd use that type of service and I'd feel better about it. I really like using mp3s and having my computer setup as a jukebox. Well, I think until I can find a service that is legal, I'll just keep ripping my own CD's.

Thursday, May 01, 2003

I have some exciting news. I just accepted a position as a night manager at our local Econofoods. This will allow Kari to be home more with the girls, and the bank has agreed to let her still manage the bank in part-time hours - working around my new schedule. We're very excited and hope that Kari will eventually be able to stay home full-time. We've been wanting to be able to have Kari at home for some time now and I am very thankful to God for giving us this opportunity.


Update on Nathan: Nathan is doing really well. In fact he might even get to come home this weekend! The doctors ar shocked at his recovery. He hasn't had any sickness or discomfort that most people get when going through treatment.

On a much lower note, my wife's grandfather is dying of cancer and is not expected to live but a few more months. So, please keep Kari and the family in prayer. Her grandfather is the glue that holds her family together so it's going to be very hard when he's gone.