Monday, December 26, 2005

It's Not All About Us

Kari wrote:
Can you believe's 6:45 a.m., Kurt and I are wide
awake...where are the girls?? In bed still, sound asleep.....what is up
with that????????????

It was 7:30 when I finally went up and opened their room and we started to make noise to wake them. It was still a bit till we got them up. Now tonight we went to a friends house and we didn't get home and in bed till midnight. So I'm sure they'll be up bright and early, while Kari and I want to sleep tommarrow.

It was a good Christmas. We had a lot of fun and it was nice with the girls this year. They are more into everything. Although, the big gift the we got for them was a bit anticlamatic. We got them hamsters. We're expecting screams of joy and celebration; we got, "Oh! Hamsters...". It was a bit of a let down for me. But I'll get over it.

There is a lesson in that I think. We as parents often have plans and ideas for our children. But it is they that choose the path they take. Our children are not going to always make the choices that we agree with all the time. They'll not get excited about the things we think they'll get excited about. It is easy for parents to feel bad when this happens. We feel like a failure as a parent or we become dissappointed in our child because they didn't meet our expectations. Do you see the problem? It's not them, it's us. When we have come to the point where we feel like failures or are dissappointed in them, we have to evaluate ourselves. We make it about us to often don't we? It's selfish and it hurts our kids. When we feel like a failure, we end up neglecting our kids. When we are dissapointed we bring condemantion into their lives.

So what are we to do? Just enjoy them for who they are. It is not our job as parents to make them into who we want them to be, but to protect, guide, discipline and interceed for, in order that they might become who God created them to be. And in Jeremiah 29 God says that He has some pretty good stuff ahead for us, and our children. Trust Him and love them.


Saturday, December 24, 2005

White Christmas?

The last three Christmas' have been brown and grey. This year we've had a lot of snow fall and it's been beautiful. I've been really excited about a white Christmas, but the last couple of days have warmed up and it's melting. I'm hoping it can hold on one more day.


Friday, December 23, 2005

Remembering Our Soldiers

As we head into the final hours of the Christmas season, let us remember our troops overseas. Send a prayer their way and listen to this poem that ran on our local radio station.

It's really powerful. Listen to it before reading it. click the link below.Read more at ktisblog.skylightradio....

O come, all ye (well funded) faithful

WOW! I thought that I've seen a lot in my time in the church but this takes the cake. This church in St. Paul is auctioning off their best pews for their Christmas Eve Service as a fundraiser. Are you kidding me? What was some body thinking?!?

"Hey! I know! Let's charge people admission during the most likely time seekers may come around to find out more about the 'free' gift of God."

Great idea guys! You sure hit a home run there! (extreme sarcasim here)

Anyways.... may God bless you this Christmas Season. And may he forgive the ignorance of some of the flock. And please, Father, send anyone who is truely searching for you to a body of believers that will show them what the Joy of Christmas is really about.


Thursday, December 15, 2005

Good News From India

One of my former professors and co-laborer in Christ has just returned form yet another trip to India. God has really been using Him the last few years and once again he has returned with good news. Here's the email report he sent me.

Dear Friend,
We are rejoicing with the following great report! We arrived back home on schedule. Our ride to the airport in India will never be forgotten. About half of it was on a "dancing" road. That means that there are so many potholes and ruts that the vehicle "dances" as it goes down the road!! The One True God answered our prayers. The rains stayed away our remaining time in India! God came down on the meetings in Chagalamarri. This town has only 3500 residents. The last and fifth night, we had 23,000 people on the grounds. 6600 people confessed Jesus as Lord, including 750 Muslims. Many of these Muslims received the Father's love in the prayer time at the end of each service. Demons manifested openly during the worship and during the mass prayer for healing. Dozens of people were delivered of demonization strong enough to roll them on the ground. Some had to be carried out by four men. Every one was delivered by the stronger One, Jesus. Many testified of their deliverance. So many people testified of being pronounced incurable by doctors. When they obeyed the Word of the Lord coming from the platform, and trusted God, hundreds were instantaneously healed. Hallelujah! Total number of decisions to follow Jesus was 9100 in ten nights.
We know that many of you were praying for us and the Indian people. Thank you very much!!
Blessings on you!
David & Sherry Nichols
Heart of the Father Ministries
Minneapolis, MN

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

"You will be my witnesses..."

My friend Chip had a great post today. He says that often evangelism becomes nothing more than "selling" the gospel to unbelievers. I have to agree with him and I've sat in those same classes, and I have seen the same results.

Witnessing has nothing to do with selling and everything with living. Jesus didn't just talk to people. He walked with them, helped them, healed them, loved them, and most importantly He lived everything He taught before He ever spoke.

We too need to live out our faith first. Then we need to walk as He did among them; helping, healing, loving, and then, and only then, can we truely be witnesses of the greatest story ever told.

And the "greatest story" is still being told, day-by-day in each believers life. What story are you sharing?


Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Jesus Save Us ........ From Ourselves

Ok, I thought I've seen it all. Watch this

I couldn't believe it when I first saw it, but I checked the website and you can buys these for $40! There is no limit to the stupid things people can come up with.

If you want to check out the site go here.



A dear friend of mine sends out a weekly devotional and this weeks really hit home for me and I wanted to share it with you. Enjoy!

You De-serve It
Shane Burton
November 14, 2005

Matthew 10:34-39
“Don’t think I’ve come to make life cozy. I’ve come to cut—make a sharp
knife-cut between son and father, daughter and mother, bride and
mother-in-law—cut through these cozy domestic arrangements and free you
for God. Well-meaning family members can be your worst enemies. If you
prefer father or mother over Me, you don’t deserve Me. If you prefer
son or daughter over Me, you don’t deserve Me. If you don’t go all the
way with Me, through thick and thin, you don’t deserve Me. If your
first concern is to look after yourself, you’ll never find yourself.
But if you forget about yourself and look to Me, you’ll find both
yourself and Me."

McDonald's tells us that we "deserve a break today." Come on, you know
you've earned it. You've slaved all day and night, at work, then at
home with your family. You DESERVE a break, don't you? You've washed
the clothes. You've carted kids around the globe to soccer games.
You've scoured the sink, washed the dishes, mown the lawn, washed the
windows, changed the oil in the car, and that was all before you left
for work! You've even taken time out of your schedule to stop and do
something nice for your spouse. Don't you DESERVE a break today?

There are so many advertisements on TV that tell us that we deserve
things. We deserve a BMW, a new house, a long, tropical vacation, a
decadent slice of cheesecake, the finest restaurant reservations, a
piece of chocolate, a new wardrobe, that latest CD, new shoes, new
grooves, a new plasma TV, and a brand new surround-sound DVD player to
go with it.

We deserve it...don't we? We're faithful to our employers for years
and so we feel we deserve a raise or a promotion. We're faithful to
our spouses and we feel we deserve gifts and affection to show their
appreciation. We're faithful to our children so we feel we deserve a
vacation away from them. We're faithful to our churches so we feel we
deserve recognition for what we do. We're faithful to God so we feel
we deserve to be shown His blessings in a physical way.

We feel we deserve...and we're right: we de-serve.

To de-serve would be the opposite of serving, wouldn't it?

As soon as we feel we deserve something, we have stopped serving. And
you know what, I'm guilty as charged. There have been so many times
when I just feel like I'm givin' and givin' and everyone around me is
takin' and takin' and I throw my hands up in the air and tell
myself...and God...that I deserve a break! I lay aside my plans and
desires for those of my spouse in an effort to serve her, but then I
tell myself that I deserve something in return for my sacrifice! I
de-serve God...I de-serve my spouse.

I have stopped serving the moment I feel deserving.

Jesus tells us here to look to Him instead of looking after ourselves.
As soon as we put our self first, we have made everyone else
last...including Jesus. No, especially Jesus.

Our plans and our dreams our always secondary to God's. Our wants and
desires always take a back-seat to God's wants and desires for His
Kingdom. As long as we feel we deserve to follow through with our
plans, follow our dreams, fulfill our wants, and satisfy our desires,
we are de-serving God. Jesus even goes so far as to tell us that if we
put our family before God, then we de-serve Him. Now that's radical
discipleship! He calls for a commitment that is absolute. And really,
there can be no absolute commitment without a total surrender. Either
we surrender all that we are and all that we have, throwing our hands
in the air and crying out “Help, Daddy!” Or, we end up in the same
useless, self-serving circle of distrust, disappointment, and
disintegration. It’s Jesus first or not. We put Jesus first or else
we de-serve Him. Period.

And so, as I sit here typing on this cold, November day, I'm asking
myself: who am I de-serving? And how am I de-serving them?

I invite you to do the same with me today. Take an inventory of who or
what you are de-serving. Are you de-serving your spouse? Your
children? Your friends? Co-workers? Ministry team?

Are you de-serving God?

If we serve God first, we deserve Him. If we put ourselves or others
first, we de-serve Him.

Monday, November 14, 2005


I have to say that the most satisfying experiences I have ever had is when God chooses, by His grace, to use me to do or say something that touches someone's life. I have recently been blessed with such an experience.

A couple of weeks ago, on Sunday morning, Jay and I were praying for people at the alter, when I came to this women who had been suffering vertigo for a long time. As I layed hands on her God spoke to my heart and I could feel His presence there. I shared a prophetic word to her and then prayed over her. The next week she came to me and shared that she had not experienced any vertigo or head aches since I prayed with her. It has now been two weeks with no sign of any vertigo. Praise God!

God still heals! Don't stop praying. If you see someone with a need ask God to use you to touch their lives. Who knows? Maybe He will.


Kimmi and I did an art project together tonight. It's sand art. Kim did pretty good.
click on the picture to enlarge

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Ok. I've been busy trying to get our computer up and running after it died last week. In my discust with Microsoft I did a bit of a Mac Makeover on my system. What can I say... one can hope.
click on the picture to enlarge

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Help Give A Heart

I recieved this e-mail and wanted to help pass it along. This isn't for your reading pleasure. i'm posting so that you might give. Thank you.

A fellow dad needs our help. His name is Leo Akins, and seven years ago he lost his oldest son, Leo Jr. to a rare heart disease. “There were lots of nights I would hold his little body upright against me just so he could breathe,” Leo says.

After a long battle, their precious little son (age 7) died in his daddy’s arms.

Life continued, and Leo and his wife were assured by doctors that the disease would not affect their other son or any children they would have in the future.

Four years later, they found Lyndon (age 8), lying blue on the floor. Leo administered CPR, eventually reviving him, as the paramedics arrived and whisked him off to the hospital. It was determined that Lyndon had the same disease that had killed his brother.

“Every night for a long time, I slept on the floor next to Lyndon’s bed,” Leo said. “I was afraid he would die in his sleep, and I wouldn’t be there to help him.” While Little Leo had always looked sick, Lyndon was the picture of a healthy 8-year-old. But, six months later after a normal day at home, Lyndon died. For the second time, Leo held his son and helplessly watched him slip away.

“Dads are supposed to be the hero,” he told me flatly. “But I couldn’t stop this. All I do is watch my children die and put them in the ground, and then they don’t come home to their beds ever again. That’s not much of a hero.”

“I don’t look at family videos or photographs...and everything feels gray,” Leo said. “I was just starting to enjoy life again when we got the news about Leighton.”

This past April, Leighton (age 5) was tested and found to have the same killer disease. “My fan club is getting smaller,” Leo adds. “I know I’m supposed to treasure every day...but I fear them.”

But this time there’s hope. Leighton is at the top of the list for a heart transplant. In fact, Leo and his wife Lisa could get the phone call today, which would whisk them off to Indianapolis so Leighton can receive a new heart and a shot at a normal life.

A heart transplant is incredibly expensive and the Akins’s finances are max’d out. “I just finished paying off Lyndon’s funeral,” he said. “Insurance will cover the transplant, if everything goes according to plan, and about a month in the hospital. But after that, it’s up to us to pay the remainder.”

I could see the burden in Leo’s face as he painted their financial picture. The way he figures it, they’re going to need about $65,000.00 the first year after the surgery to meet Leighton’s needs. Many have volunteered to have bake sales, garage sales, and art auctions to help raise the money, but they still need much more.

Dad, it’s time for us to step up to the plate and help this fellow dad who has buried two of his sons and faces an uncertain future. I’m asking you to put yourself in his shoes, picture your children dying in your arms, and then give.

I’m not talking $10 or $25 (unless that’s all you can do); I’m talking about giving $100, $500, $1000, or $10,000 as God has blessed you. Let’s help this dad. He needs us.

Make your tax-deductible gift to Leighton Akins at Above all, pray for this dad and his family!!! Someone may come up and thank you in heaven someday for giving him a new heart.

To read more and see photos of Leo and his family, go to

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

OK This Is Funny!

I don't know if this is real, but it is really funny.


Friday, October 07, 2005

Proud Moment

The girls are doing really good with their schooling, but the school year didn't start out like that. Becca was giving Kari a hard time with wanting to do her work. Finally after talking with Becca she told me that the reason was that "it" was boring. So Kari and I talked and looked at our options and tried a new aproach. First we didn't stick to the "official" lesson plan. Then we gave her more advanced work and used more hands on and verbal exercises and it's like we have a new child. She's doing great! In fact, last night we went out to eat and on her mat she drew a picture of a house and a pool in the back yard and then she drew a sign with an arrow with the sentance, "This way to pool." And then tonight Kari had to run into the store so the girls and I sat in the car. We had just left the library, so the girls were looking at their books and I asked Becca what she picked out. She had "Green Eggs and Ham". She then proceded to open the book and begin to read to me. The first 20 pages, before Kari got back, and I only had to help her with two words. I was so proud of her. Kimmi of course is quite sharp. She loves doing worksheets and is often upset when she runs out.


Sunday, September 25, 2005


I came acrossed this article and I wanted to share it with you.

My Job, My Calling: Can They Be The Same?
Dan Miller

Is work just something we have to do to get to the weekend, or can it be a true expression of what God has called us to do? Does God only call a few people, and are those people always on staff in churches or on the mission field? Do the rest of us just work to support the few who are called? The Bible gives dignity to any work. There are no non-sacred occupations:

"God has given each of you some special abilities; be sure to use them to help each other, passing on to other’s God’s many kinds of blessings."

I Peter 4:10 (LB)

Could you tell me what success means for you this year? Are you where you thought you’d be at this stage of your life? Have you ever had a sense of "calling" in your life? How did you hear that calling? Is your work a fulfillment of your "calling?" Do you go home at night with a sense of meaning, purpose and accomplishment?

St Augustine said: "To work is to pray." God established work before the fall. God placed the first humans in the garden to "tend and keep it." This work assignment was given before sin entered the world and God pronounced the curse.

God blesses work even after the fall. If work were evil, God would never encourage people to engage in it. In Colossians 3:23 we are told to "work hard and cheerfully at all you do, just as though you were working for the Lord and not merely for your masters (bosses)." (LB)

God expected us to enjoy our work! Even Solomon in his most pessimistic moments realized this. "That everyone may… find satisfaction in all his toil – this is the gift of God." (Ecc. 3:13) Work that fulfills our "calling" will be energizing and uplifting.

God is saving the greatest rewards for eternity – and work will be among them. Surprise! The saved will "build houses", "plant vineyards", and shall "long enjoy the work of their hands." (Isaiah 65:17-25)

Thank God It’s Friday relays a secular work ethic. For the Christian, work should be meaningful and an expression of who we are. It has been said that the true measure of a person is not what he does on Sunday, but who he is Monday through Saturday, and that includes what we do in our work.

There are 3 components that must be blended in our work in order for it to be an expression of our calling. (Keep in mind, your goal is to develop a strategic life plan, not just a career path.)

Skills and Abilities (What)

The most common mistake people make in choosing a career is to do something simply because they are good at it. Remembering the happiest times in your life and the times when you felt most fulfilled are better indicators of your calling than just knowing what you have the ability to do. You must have the ability, but that’s only one component.

Personality Traits (How)

How do you relate to other people, projects, and ideas? Are you analytical and logical, or expressive and outgoing? Are you nurturing, supportive and encouraging or do you thrive when you are working on a project in isolation? There is no "right" or "wrong" here, but understanding your uniqueness will help identify the best environment.

Values, Dreams and Passions (Why)

Are you motivated by the constant search for new knowledge? Are you moved by beauty in nature and your surroundings? What are you drawn to even when money is not an issue? What is it that when you are doing it, time just flies by? What God calls us to do does not stamp out who we are. Look for moments of being in the zone, like an excellent athlete. Remember Eric Liddle, who when challenged to come back and do missionary work rather than run competitively, said: "God made me fast and when I run, I feel His pleasure." (From the movie, Chariots of Fire.)

Knowing these 3 areas about oneself leads to a sense of continuity. These components are relatively changeless; however the career application can change multiple times. Knowing that the average job is about 3.2 years in length, it is not even appropriate to try to identify the "right" job. Rather, we need to get a broader sense of the role work plays in a balanced and meaningful life. A critical issue is to distinguish between the following terms:

1. Vocation – from the Latin vocare, which means "to call"

This is the big picture; the most profound. Vocation must incorporate "calling," "purpose," "mission" and "destiny." It’s what you’re doing in life that makes a difference, that builds meaning for you, and that you can look back on in your later years to see the impact you’ve made on the world.

2. Career – "to run or move at full speed, rush wildly. "Careen"

"Career" comes from the Latin word for "cart" and later from the Middle French word for "racetrack." In other words, you can go around and around really fast for a long time but never get anywhere. That’s why in today’s volatile work environment, even professionals with careers like physicians, attorneys, CPAs, dentists and pastors may choose to get off the expected track and choose another career. A career is a line of work, but it’s not necessarily your calling. You can have different careers at different points in your life that all support your "calling".

3. Job -- one’s daily activities

A job is the most specific and immediate of the three terms. It has to do with one’s daily activities that produce an income or a paycheck. The dictionary defines "job" as "a lump portion, a task, chore or duty." In today’s workplace, the average person will have 14-16 different jobs in his/her lifetime. Thus the job surely cannot be the critical definition of one’s calling or vocation. However, the job should in fact be an expression of that calling and an integration of one’s ministry.

Here’s a worthy goal:

"The master in the art of living makes little distinction between his work and his play, his labor and his leisure, his mind and his body, his information and his recreation, his love and his religion. He hardly knows which is which. He simply pursues his vision of excellence at whatever he does, leaving others to decide whether he is working or playing. To him he is always doing both." James Michener

The article is at

What do you think?

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Cheap Dads

Top Ten Books for a Penny Pinching Dad

  1. Dumpster Diving for Fun and Profit
  2. How to Make a Quick $20k on eBay or Living with Only One Kidney
  3. Recycled Toilet Paper and the Lost Art of Hand Washing
  4. Human Billboards – the Income Opportunity of the 21st Century
  5. Food Expiration Dates Are for Wimps!
  6. “You Gonna Finish That?” – How to Dine at the Finest Restaurants for Free
  7. Rent A Kid: Hot New In-Home Business Idea
  8. Aged Grilled Cheese: Great Recipes for Day-Old Bread
  9. Clean Your House in 5 Minutes: The Joys of Storage Unit Living
  10. The Family Toothbrush: Exercises in Sharing

~ Submitted by Top 10 field correspondent Brendan Bruce at

Monday, September 05, 2005

Paying For Gas

As we all feel the pain of filling our gas tanks, I thought we could all use a laugh. Sometimes the only thing you can do is laugh and move on. But it could be worse. We could be waiding in chest high, contaminated water. We could be homeless. We could have nothing to eat, drink or wear. Our families could have become smaller over night. America has been reminded about what is important. It's not about the "what", but the "who".

Monday, August 22, 2005


I have had such a Monday. Work was busy and I didn't get nearly what I wanted done, done. And I got nothing that I wanted to accomplish done tonight because I was dealing with neighbor issues. Parenting is basically one first step after another, and it never seems to end. The first few steps are scary, but enjoyable; first bath, first trip out, first birthday, first step, first word... you get the picture. But at some point it really turns scary; first tooth, first bike, first time you let them out of your sight. They're growing up. And without your permission! Then comes the really hard stuff; first friend, first friend fight, first independant thinking, first lie, first time following peer pressure. Then today it happened, the next "first step"; major tension and drama between parents, over their children and their children's behavior. We're talking major tension. Some parents even were flat out lying, which is what really made me mad the most.

So, here's the point of this post... How do you deal with this? How can you as an adult deal with other children and their parents when there are very different views of what is going on and on what should be done about it. Especially when one parent is out of their mind and fabricating stories in order to make your child and you look bad? How do you protect and defend your child, but at the same time not do the wrong thing yourself and say or do something wrong? And how do you explain to your kids (who have no idea what's going on) why they can't go over to so and so's house to play without saying something bad about the parent or other children, when it is their behavior that you have issues with?

Not to say that my children are without fault. This whole thing has raised a couple of issues that need to be addressed. And they will. So from one parent to another, Have you had to deal with this? How did it work out? Were you able to restore some kind of peace within the nieghborhood? And with the parents that are way out there, do you just ignore them? Do you let your kids play with their's?

I really want some input on this. Click on the Comments link below to add your own two cents.


Friday, August 19, 2005

Checking In

Hey, I know it's been awhile since I posted, but it's been a busy couple of weeks. Pastor Jay is on sabatical for the month and I'm doing all the Sundays. I really like the opportunity to do it. It is way different having to prepare a sermon every week instead of having weeks to prep. Not to mention I have a 40 hour a week job still and Kari's been working at the store alot at night and so my prep time has also been baby sitting time. Well, I need to go to bed. I have to be at work at 6am. I'll be checking in later with more. And I'll probably be posting my sermon audios online at some point in the near future.


Monday, August 08, 2005


I just finished listening to a great sermon.

Series: Whatever
Title: Whatever

The world seems to be crowded with “whatever” attitudes. But “whatever” is much more than just an indifferent response or a sarcastic remark. In this message, we discover that God truly does care about Whatever we do.

Listen to it now. Just click on Watch Now.

Saturday, August 06, 2005


I read an interesting article this week in Harper's Magazine. It's by Bill McKibben, and I have to say that I don't completely agree with him and I think that some of his theology is a bit off, but he raises an intriguing question. He starts off by giving a lot of statistics and examples. And then he writes:
And therein is the paradox. America is simultaneously the most professedly Christian of the developed nations and the least Christian in its behavior. That paradox ... Illuminates the hollow at the core of our boastful, careening culture.

If you like to read more there is an introduction on Harper's website. Link
or you can stop by your local library and read it.

Anyways, what do you think? More and more I see a nation and a church that is without fruit. We say we are committed, yet we make other plans (our own). We say we trust Jesus, as long as things are in our favor. We say we love people, as long as they don't make us uncomfortable.

Paul writes in Roman's 1:21-32
21For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools 23and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles.

24Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the CreatorÂ?who is forever praised. Amen.

26Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. 27In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.

28Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done. 29They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, 30slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; 31they are senseless, faithless, heartless, ruthless. 32Although they know God's righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.

America knows a lot about God, but we have chosen to go our own way. So what about us? Us, as in, true believers, here and now. Are we Christian in both voice and action? Or do we just give lip service to God and pay our dues at the local chapter's weekly meeting? James says that faith without works is dead, and works alone are not enough. It is both faith and works in concert together that pleases God and proves what we say we are is truely what we are.


Wednesday, July 27, 2005

A Dream Realized

Since I was a teen my heart was to see the Church resemble what we see happening in the book of Acts. To see the community of believers loving, caring and building up each other. Having been in the church for so long now, I have to be honest, I've begun doubting I'll see it in my time. However, this past few weeks I have realized that I'm seeing it happen in our community right now. We've had multiple churches working together in unity, we've seen people's needs being met and lifted up in prayer; we've seen healings and answers to prayer and I've experienced this first hand. Acts 2:44-45 says,
"All the believers were together and had everything in common. Selling their possessions and goods. They gave to anyone as he had need."
The week before the fourth of July our pastor did a fundraiser selling fireworks, and made a good bit of money. I was thinking that it was going to be great to have some extra money to upgrade some outdated electronics at the church, but Pastor Jay and the deacons had another idea. Before they even did the fundraiser they decided to use the funds to fix our van that had been dead since April. What a blessing to us, but more than that it is another sign that the Kingdom is coming ever closer and the community of believers are beginning to truly love, care and edify each other unselfishly.

Monday, July 25, 2005


The girls are in the air! I'm leaving to get them in and 20 minutes. I can't wait to see them! Can you tell?


Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Miracle Grow

What is that make it seem like your kids grow a year, everyday their away from you? Kari sent some pictures of the girls at a carnival they went to and they look so BIG. I was doing OK, but now that I saw the pictures, I really miss them. I'm glad that they are having so much fun, but I'm even gladder that they're going to be home in a few more days.


How long have they been gone? My girls look so old in these pics Kari sent. OK, they need to stop that!

click on the picture to enlarge

Kim on a kiddy rollercoater.

click on the picture to enlarge

Becca on the bumber cars.

click on the picture to enlarge

Friday, July 15, 2005


It's been a long day. It started with getting up at 3am. Kari and the girls went to see Kari's family today and we had to be at the airport by 5am. And if waking us up waaay before God ever intended a mortal to awake wasn't enough, they delayed the flight Kari was on. Then they cancelled the fight, then rescheduled, then moved her and the girls to an entirely different airline. Five hours later they left for Michigan. I was worried about the girls flying, but they did great. They slept right through take off and loved the rest of the flight. When I heard from Kari earlier I could hear the girls playing; they couldn't even stop to say hi. I'm glad their having fun.

While Kari was having fun at the airport, I was at work, worrying about them and all the trouble they were having and I hated that I couldn't do anything about it. Well, that's not true. I could pray and I did, and it must have worked. They got a flight, they had seats together, it turned out to be a direct flight and they ended up arriving about the time they were originally supposed to get there. God does bring even bad circumstances around for good to those that love Him.

Anyways, after work I relaxed a bit knowing that they had made it safe, and sat and watched Sci Fi Friday night; in the dark, sound up loud and no interruptions (well Kari did call in the middle of one show. I forgive you dear). Now I'm writing this and going to go to bed. You know, I really thought that I was going to like being alone for awhile. I like my space. But there is something about the fact that I can't just join back with them by going into the next room that I really don't like. The silence is so loud. I get irritated sometimes by the girls constant chattering and squeaking, but with it not here, and I think the knowing that it won't be here for a while, is really....well...hold on I'm think of the right word....lonely. Now (Kari stop crying.) I'm still going to enjoy my time alone, I just realized how much I need my family. And I like that.

Father, watch over my child and Kari. Give them a great time away. Help the girls to sleep and Kari to get rest. Continue to bring healing and strengthening to Kari's body and may you alone receive the glory.

Good night girls, I love you...

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Got Growth?

Heb 5:12 "You have been Christians a long time now, and you ought to be teaching others. Instead, you need someone to teach you again the basic things a beginner must learn about the Scriptures. You are like babies who drink only milk and cannot eat solid food."

As a member of church leadership, I am ever increasingly becoming more frustrated with the Church, in America, these days. We have so much freedom, so many resources at our disposal and yet we are seeing very little growth when compared to areas that have less freedom and less resources. Could the lack of growth be due to a lack of growth? We of course want to have quantity growth in the church, but when compared to other areas of the world our numbers aren't very impressive. Could this lack of quantity growth be due to a lack of quality growth in the Church. In the verse above, it is speaking to believers that have been around awhile, and yet they weren't growing in the way they should. Why? Because they were malnourished. They were like babies who would only drink milk. This is the majority of the American Church today. Congregation members are refusing to give up the bottle. Our churches have become nurseries and our programs, pacifiers.

If we want to see quantity growth, we have to have quality growth first. We need to get rid of the bottles and start consuming solid food. Our church goers should be able to feed themselves and and others, yet they can't. And when something that requires some chewing is preached on Sunday they revolt and spit it out and throw a fit, demanding the bottle back. It's going to take strong leadership. Leadership that, like a parent taking the bottle from their child, will stand up and preach the full gospel and teach the people of God the things of God, and not back down when someone gets upset that they have to chew. Leadership can't keep letting them go back to the milk. If we withhold the bottle long enough, they'll start to chew. And once they get the nourishment they need they'll grow. And when they grow, they'll mature. Once we see the quality grow, it will cause the quantity grow. Because in maturity the believer would be fulfilling their purpose in the body of Christ and outreach and discipleship would be a by product.

I say this not as though, I myself have come to full maturity or that I am perfectly the church to maturity, but I am striving to be.

"We proclaim Him, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone mature in Christ. To this end I labor, struggling with all His energy, which so powerfully works in me." Colossians 1:28-29

Sunday, July 03, 2005


Entrance & Parking to County Fair.........$5

Two Carnival Rides..........$6.75

Snacks for Four............Second Mortgage

Spending Time Just Being Dad.............PRICELESS

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Carpe Diem!

Sometimes when you're in the midst of life and all it brings at you, you find yourself switching to survival mode. Your perspective becomes very small and then something or someone comes along and helps widen your eyes to the big picture once again and what is really important comes into focus. This happened for me from one of the most unlikely places; George Carlin

The paradox of our time in history is that we have taller buildings, but shorter tempers ? wider freeways, but narrower viewpoints. We spend more, but have less; we buy more, but enjoy less. We have bigger houses and smaller families ? more conveniences, but less time. We have more degrees, but less sense; more knowledge, but less judgment; more experts, yet more problems; more medicine, but less wellness. We drink too much, smoke too much, spend too recklessly, laugh too little, drive too fast, get too angry, stay up too late, get up too tired, read too little, watch TV too much, and pray too seldom.
He goes on to say... (keep in mind this is after his wife died)

Remember to give a warm hug to the one next to you, because that is the only treasure you can give with your heart and it doesn't cost a cent. Remember to say, "I love you" to your partner and your loved ones, but most of all ?mean it.? A kiss and an embrace will mend hurt when it comes from deep inside of you. Remember to hold hands and cherish the moment, for someday that person will not be there again. Give time to love, give time to speak, and give time to share the precious thoughts in your mind. And always remember: Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away. ? George Carlin

Seize the day and share a moment with a loved one, because that is what is really important.

Monday, March 28, 2005

OK, Here We Go...

It's been awhile since I've had a chance to write. I've actually had a lot of stuff to write about but the time is always escaping me or Kari beats me to it. So sit back and sip some coffee, I'm going to try to catch up and fill you in. This could be either very interesting or very boring, only the next few lines will tell.

The Girls
Everyday is a new adventure and can somehow be both a joy and a frustration. Becca is growing up so fast. Everyday seems like she's a little older. She has such a personality! The way she humors me when I act goofy saying, "Oh, daddy", as she rolls her eyes. Or how she is beginning to understand stuff more and beginning to reason. It's really becoming fun with her. I love that I can carry on a productive two-way conversation with her. The other night I was trying (again) to teach her to blow her nose (no she still can't do it) and when I pinched one side of my nose and talked My voice was funny with that nasally sound. She thought it was so funny, she literally in tiers with laughter. She went on and ion about how funny I was and every time she'd pull her face out of her hands and look up at me she'd start laughing all over again. It was so funny and it's a memory I'll never forget. Kim's growing up too. She's a little girl now, but she is definitely still "daddy's little girl". She loves doing stuff with me. She is such a determined person. If she wants to do something she gets really focused and will work at it until she gets it and she is so proud when she finally does what ever it is she's trying to do. And as much fun as they are, with the growing up they're also testing the boundaries of the rules and self-expression. Becca can be so bossy sometimes and Kim is really stubborn. But the good definitely outweighs the bad.

Kari and Me
Well everyone knows that Kari and I have really wanted another baby over the last year or so. We asked God to heal Kari and allow us to have another child and we did get pregnant, but Kari miscarried. In the process of that it was discovered that there is something going on inside Kari, which the Doctors are calling pre-cancerous symptoms. She is having a biopsy on Thursday and if the doctors act like they think they will have to, Kari will be scheduled for a full hysterectomy. Please keep Kari in your prayers. I believe Jesus can still heal and He has already. Many of you already know, but we haven't blogged about it. As you all know Kari was deaf in the right ear do to an infection three years ago, and hasn't been able to hear anything out of it. Well, we've been praying for her and the other night we were in the living room and Kari calls me over and says to talk into her ear. She heard me! So the real test was the phone. We proceeded to call several people on the phone and she was able to hear them and carry on a conversation. God is so good. It's not 100% yet so keep praying for her, I believe He will heal her completely and she'll hear perfectly.

I'm doing pretty good. I'm finally over the three month "whatever it was I had". But currently am having trouble with my back. I was at work yesterday and it just started hurting between my shoulder blades. I was just walking and BAM! it hit me. So I'm guessing I'll be visiting a chiropractor soon. The weight thing has not been the best I did really well at first, losing 30 lbs. But then Kari's was sick and then her dad came out to visit and then other stuff was going on that totally messed up our routine. So I fell off the wagon a bit, but I'm not calling it quits yet. I'm regrouping to hit it hard again. I'll keep you informed.

All Things Tech
Now for the good stuff! I am currently looking into and learning about Linux. Linux is an open source operation system for computers and my interest is simple: It looks a lot like Windows, is more stable than Windows and the best part... it's FREE! Well, almost I should say. It is really cool and I'm still in the beginning stages of learning. My hope is to gain a solid understanding of the system and find software that would help the church. There is a hug boom in interest in Linux and other open source software in the Church today. Mainly because of the cost issue.

I've also picked up a new PDA to replace the one I broke. I've been saving a while and doing a lot of shopping around. I finally decided on a Palm Tungsten E. I really like it's nice.

I need to go I'll try to get back more often.


Friday, March 11, 2005

I just got a new PALM PDA since I broke my other one. It took more than year to save enough to get a new one. It's cool. In fact, I'm writing this blog on it right now. Cool eh?


Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Thought I'd Pass This Along

Loving God Through His Word
by John Fischer

On Tuesday, March 1, 2005, 3,000 Orthodox and Hasidic Jews completed a 7½-year cycle of reading the ancient texts of the Talmud (which includes what Christians are familiar with as the Old Testament), and celebrated the feat with a service in the Walt Disney Concert Hall in Los Angeles. The practice is called Daf Yomi and it involves a rigorous program of reading, studying and discussing the ancient Jewish manuscript daily, one page a day for exactly 2,711 consecutive days. As well as ending one cycle, the celebration also starts another. According to the Los Angeles Times, 120,000 participated in similar events across North America, all tied together by live satellite television feeds.

I think that sometimes, in our emphasis on the grace of God and our freedom from the law, we have a tendency to miss what is good about the laws of God. We lose our sense of reverence for the word and love for the entire Bible, both Old and New Testaments.

True: we will never achieve the desired effects by trying to follow the law, but at the same time, if we love God, we will also love His laws. David loved the laws of God and meditated on them constantly. Psalm 119, the longest chapter in the Bible, is all about loving God’s laws. Christ came not to abolish the law, but to fulfill it. In other words, Christ embodied living according to the laws of God, so that if you truly follow Him, you will be fulfilling the law also. But nothing about the essence of the law has changed, only our relationship to it.

Why do we love the law of God? Because it is God’s communication to us—God’s word spoken, written down and passed down to us over centuries. Something to treasure here until we know God fully in eternity.

Hearing about these people celebrating their completion of the Daf Yomi reminds me of instances in the Old Testament when the children of Israel would assemble just to hear the word of God read to them, and they would stand in reverence for days.

You no doubt have access to a Bible within your reach right now. Hold it, if you can, and think of those who have lived and died to get it into your hands. Think of the treasure that it is—from God to you.

There are plans available to read your Bible through in a year by selected daily readings. My favorite access to this is the One Year Bible available in a number of translations. You can turn to the calendar day and find the selected readings for that day arranged for you. Stick with one of these plans, and you will have read the Bible through in a year.

You won’t be necessarily more spiritual for it. You won’t be necessarily more righteous. But I guarantee you will be more in love with God. And isn’t that what it’s all about?

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Weigh In

I'm still on track. I lost another 3lb this week, so that puts me at 24lb's down. It's pretty exciting. I'm still having some trouble with my workouts because of the time issue, but it will work out eventually. Today I preached at church and it went well God did some really neet stuff and our home fellowship group this evening was good too. After group we had a "tail gate" party for the superbowl and watched it on the big screen. It was fun even though I don't really care about football. Well, it's off to bed I have to get up at 4a to open the store.


Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Can I eat that?

Well, I've been changing my diet for a month now and things are going good. I've lost 21 lb, I'm starting to have more energy, my clothes are loose fitting and I can walk up our stairs without getting winded. It's been long enough now that we're seeing fitness and eating in a different light and dare I say...liking it? One interesting thing that's changing is not so much what we'll eat, but what we'll try. Tonight we had our first 100% turkey burgers and we loved them. They were really good. Kari especially has been open to try new things, which is sooo not her. I'm really proud of her, she's doing much better than I am when it comes to exercising. That's my big hurdle I have to get over. The problem is I get up early for work, work all day on my feet and then when I get home I really just want to sit and rest my feet. And then by the time they feel better its dinner time and then its time to get the girls ready for bed or I have something else I need to do and then its bed time. Anyways, there are still changes to my life style needing to be made to allow for more fitness time. But I'm still happy with the results so far.

Until A Thinner Me

Sunday, January 30, 2005

OK my mom got on me about not posting pics of Becca's B-day. Here's Becca with her "100 feet tall" present. Kari will post more on her blog.

click on the picture to enlarge

Saturday, January 29, 2005

The Biggest Loser.....Hopefully

Ok, as most of you know I've been sick since Thanksgiving. Well I went to the doctor in December and got some rather startling news. No, I don't have some rare desease, although I don't think these bozo's could diagnose it even if I did. Actually it was my weight that was so startling. I haven't had my weight taken in at least a year. I was 309 lb. That is the highest I've ever been or ever will be, because I decided that I needed to make some major changes. I set my mind to lose the weight. My goal is to be below 180 lb by next February/March. To help me get a good start I joined the Discovery National Body Challenge, and so far so good. This month I've lost 21 lb! I'm really happy about it, but I've got a long way to go. The Challenge is 8 weeks long and I'd like to lose 30 lb during the challenge. Kari has also joined me and is doing really well too, but I'll let her tell you about that. I've tried losing weight before but this time something is different. Before I've dieted, but this time it's about changing the way I live, eat and think. Maybe it's just me getting older, but I'm actually enjoying it. Although I really miss pizza!


Friday, January 28, 2005

A Face Lift

Well, I thought the site needed a little face lift. What do ya think? Things have been busy as usual. I'm still sick and is beginning to move back into my chest. The girls have been sick this week too. Kim had a 103.9 degree temp on Wednesday and we were close to taking her to the ER. She was acting really wierd, but the fever broke and she started playing. Becca is the one withthe fever now. I'm trying to get her to bed now.

Well, I'm tired and need to get Becca to bed so I can. I have to work in the morning.


Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Every now and then you get a really good picture of your kids. Here's one of ours :)

click on the picture to enlarge

The Cat & Mouse. I found Mal under the computer desk tonight napping with a friend.

click on the picture to enlarge